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Intacct Advantage 2013 - Trade Shows

Intacct Advantage

B2BGateway will have a booth at this years Intacct Advantage Customer and Partner Conference. Intacct Advantage 2013 will take place from October 21-25th at the "M" Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Intacct Advantage is the premier conference for both Intacct users and partners alike. The conference offers over 50 hands-on practical sessions; including product workshops, roundtables, pre-conference training and customer best-practice panels. This event also gives the opportunity to attendees to have 1:1 meetings with Intacct experts and will have an exhibit hall showcasing the best of breed Intacct add-ons by third party providers.

This is the first year for B2BGateway to attend this event and our sales team is really looking forward to demonstrating B2BGateway's cloud-based, fully-integrated EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) solutions to Intacct users and partners. B2BGateway's EDI solutions for Intacct remove the need to re-key data when exchanging business documents such as orders, invoices and shipping notices between organizations. This in turn leads to reduced labor costs, reduced errors, greater efficiencies and a shorter 'order to payment' cash cycle.

If you are attending Intacct Advantage 2013, please be sure to drop by booth #3 and say hello to the B2BGateway team.

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