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'EDI MATTERS' Newsletter
Partner Community - Newsletter v2.1
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Meet ERP Guru - One of NetSuite's and B2BGateway's Leading Partners


What does it mean to be a guru? Traditionally, a guru is a "teacher" or "master" and to ERP Guru, that means that you are the best at what you do, but beyond just being the best, you are able to share that information with others. We have a collaborative approach to solving problems, both internally and externally, whether that means colleagues sharing ideas through our knowledge database (aptly called "Ze Guru") or having our software engineers act as consultants and trainers directly for our customers.

ERP Guru prides ourselves on our operational excellence. In fact, it is the first of five values in which we lead our company. When our company faces challenges we turn to face them, dissect them, examine them, and put them back together in a way that makes us stronger. In order to tackle these challenges we've chosen to meet them head on in the cloud. We use NetSuite as the heart and mind of our business and supplement that with cloud based solutions like Google Apps for Business, Adobe EchoSign, and more. We believe in the cloud, thats why we live there.

Today, ERP Guru has a team of over 65 people primarily focused on implementing and integrating NetSuite as well as researching and developing NetSuite add-ons. We built our company around a core of expertise in NetSuite and adjacent technologies and have, over the years, supplemented that core strength with additional resources to help our company grow. We have found great success in partnering with companies like B2BGateway and that ecosystem of partnerships has helped us to be a leading partner in the NetSuite community.

In 2012, ERP Guru was recognized as one of the largest and most respected Value Added Resellers & Developers of Netsuite with the the "Worldwide Partner of the Year" award. ERP Guru was also awarded a 5 Star Award back to back in 2012 and 2013.

ERP Guru sees a bright future as we continue to grow to meet the demands of our customers and partners, and expand our services and expertise to keep up with the growth of the NetSuite solution. We have expanded our team to include specialists in areas like Manufacturing, Distribution, e-Commerce, Professional Services and more. We have gurus in Montreal, Toronto, St. Louis, Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago and we continue to find opportunities to expand our geographic reach.

In a special announcement, ERP Guru is excited to announce on the B2B Newsletter that with a very limited, early release, we have rolled out a new turn-key product, our Performance Monitoring Services. This program is designed to help companies maximize the possibilities of NetSuite by giving them real-time access to industry benchmark data. This lightweight consulting approach gives heavy hitting results by helping to make existing methodologies more efficient, and innovating new ways of accomplishing things. The Performance Monitoring Service is a dashboard that in a sense comes with a built-in guru. You'll receive insights about your business in relation to peers in your field, get advanced warnings when your company falls below certain KPI's, and gain greater insight into your employees production behavior through NetSuite monitoring tools.

ERP Guru operates at the speed of the cloud and we are prepared to help you operate at that speed as well. Reach out to us, or ask your B2BGateway team for an introduction, we are excited to meet you.

We look forward to hearing from you!
