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Lucia Vollucci, Accounting Administrative Assistant at B2BGateway.Net's Rhode Island Office


Hello! I'm Lucia Vollucci, and I reside outside of Donna Gilman's office on the first floor of our RI location. I've been working here at B2Bgateway.Net in the Accounting/HR Department for a little over 2 years. I was born and raised in RI, but I have lived in Boston and Washington, DC.

Vinnie and I have 4 beautiful children (I think I might be biased). Santino is a wonderfully feisty 4 year old, and our triplets, Brookelynn, Gabriella and Valentina, will turn 1 this August. It is so hard to believe that almost a year has gone by already!

We have 1 cat named Cleo. She is a fat cat in all sense of the phrase. My brother rescued her when she was a kitten from his backyard, and I adopted her when I lived in DC. She has been so spoiled for 13 years that her tummy is pretty close to hitting the floor!

Hobbies / Interests
Movies and books are great, as well as listening to music and dancing with the kids, but I am a TV-aholic at heart. I have to have the TV on all the times even if I am not watching it. It needs to be there as background for my daily tasks. Most of the time during the day, I need to watch shows like Doc McStuffins or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but after the kids go to bed, I get to start watching shows that are on our very long DVR list. I like Hell's Kitchen, MasterChef, Major Crimes, Dallas (old and new), Bones, The Following, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, Rizzoli and Isles, Franklin and Bash, Psych and Burn Notice. I haven't found a Sitcom that I like in a really long time.

I mostly listen to everything... especially if you can dance to it. I do not like jazz, classical, or hard core rap. I really like Jimmy Buffet, because his music reminds me of the beach and the summertime (my favorite season). BUT my favorite band is... Bon Jovi. Yes, Bon Jovi.

Favorite Food
Wow, this is a hard one. Too many to decided... I guess I would have to say pasta, burritos, french fries, pizza, chips and salsa, and fruit... and as Shannon knows... Snickers. I guess I live to eat.

Approach to work
I like to be very organized which is a good thing, because in our department, you need to be detail oriented. I also think that being a people person helps a lot in a department like Accounting and HR. I do have my cranky moments though so watch out clients who are behind in payments!