Meet the Staff – Marcella McCann
Support Engineer, RI Office.

Meet the Staff – Marcella McCann\

I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and have one older brother and two younger stepsisters, though most of my family lives within 20 minutes of each other. I went to college at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, graduating with a major in Computer Science with minors in Creative Writing and Philosophy. I was fortunate to get a job nearly straight out of college that ranged from IT Help Desk support to medical software support and installation. As grateful as I was for all the different skills I learned while in that job, it was time for a change of scenery and a new challenge. I really fell in love with Rhode Island after visiting a college friend.

Hobbies/Interests: I love music, especially going to concerts. My favorite band is They Might Be Giants, who I went on a Grateful Dead type road trip after one of their album releases, seeing them 25 times in 2 years. I loved getting to travel all over the US, and now have friends all over the country thanks to my trips. I also enjoy going to a record store and trying to find great albums to add to my growing record collection. I probably like 80s music/movies more than a person should, but you can’t deny a good John Hughes movie and soundtrack. I always appreciate someone who can recommend new artists to listen to, authors to read, or movies to
check out. Trivia nights are one of my favorite things. I get super competitive, but it’s all in good fun. I love comedy, particularly sketch and standup. I will always hold a place in my heart for the 75-80s cast of Saturday Night Live, as Gilda Radner is one of my idols. I'd like to travel even more. One of my favorite things to do is go to a new city and just walk around without a set destination.

Favorite Food: I love a good cheese steak. I will try most anything with bacon at least once, even if that's not the healthiest way to live. I was a picky eater for most of my life, and recently started trying things I used to hate but now I love. I'd like to become a better cook (I'm the person who would burn minute rice) and continue trying more new dishes.

Approach to Work: When I came to B2BGateway, my only familiarity with EDI was the fact that medical billing used it. I always enjoy a challenge and the opportunity to learn new skills, and I've definitely been given that opportunity with this job. There's always something new to learn. One of my favorite things is working in an environment where everyone works together, and knows how to have a fun time while getting the job done.